sands Come enjoy the lovely music of the one and only Sands Hall at It's Modern Art this Sunday, December 8. Mingling starts at 4, music around 5. 

Along with Sands, there will be drinks, snacks, laughter, knock-knock jokes, paint cans, twinkling lights, fortune telling, bunnies, kids, gifts, yarn, friends, and more. (Donations welcome, but not required.)

IMG_0514_2When Sands was fourteen, her father purchased, for $150 from a hard-up student at UC Berkeley, a OOO-18 Martin, and this is the battered wonderful guitar she still uses. She also plays a bit of mandolin and has recently begun to study the fiddle. Sands grew up on Joan Baez and Judy Collins and was further inspired by Joni Mitchell; the 3 Js, as she refers to them, were big influences on the way to her becoming a singer/songwriter. She also loves the old "story songs": "Long Black Veil" (here she performs with her brother-in-law Louis B Jones and Tabla player Joe Fajen), "South Caost the Wild Coast" (with Maggie McKaig and Luke Wilson), "Pretty Polly" and other murder ballads. For more info, or a preview, visit:

See you on Sunday!

Frank Fairfield: Tuesday August 6

frankfairfiledAre you wishing there might be music you could come hear, say, sometime next week? Like maybe on Tuesday from 6:30-9:30? Well don't worry. We've got you covered. Join us at 529 West Chestnut (17603) on August 6, 2013 because the amazing  Frank Fairfield is bringing his popular music to Modern Art. Holy Appalachian banjo picking and murder ballad amazingness, people, this guy is just what we've been waiting for. (Not so sure? Well, check this out then.) Meet you here on tuesday