ArtBike: Case Study #1 Happy Loving Couple

In honor Modern Art's third ArtBike, and grand pronouncements, we present to you some of our favorite ArtBike case studies. Whether they are life changing for the subjects or just for us is up for debate. But we still like the stories. CASE STUDY #1: Happy Loving Couple



Early on one ArtBike Sunday, a young couple popped in to Modern Art excited about borrowing a couple bikes. They happened to catch us at a slightly chaotic moment (not uncommon)—many children running around, bikes still being set up, furniture being moved around— so before we had a chance to get their names, IDs, and have them sign a waiver, they'd chosen two of our favorite bikes and pedaled off. Oh well, surely they'll come back, we thought.

Hours passed. The day grew cloudy. We lent out more bikes and continued on, wondering who the mystery couple had been.

More hours passed.

More clouds. And rain.

More hours.

We waited nervously, peeking out for the bikes every few minutes.


As the day grew to a close, we really started to worry. Everyone had come back, but our two bikes (one with a gold-framed picture of Jo's husband Jeremy) were still out. Perhaps our naive idea that we could lend bikes out, for free, just for fun, was finally backfiring. It wasn't going to work. Our faith in the inherent goodness of our community started to fade. The bikes were gone. We called it a day and started closing up.

And that's when it happened: As we were locking up,  loud shouts and laughter approached on wheels. Our wheels! Our mystery couple! "WE HAD THE BEST DAY EVER!!" we heard them scream. They jumped off the bikes, ran up to us holding hands and smiling widely at each other. Kissing even. "We went everywhere! All over town! Thank you so much! WE FELL IN LOVE AGAIN! " 

As it turns out, the mystery couple was out for a rare afternoon without their 18-month old. They'd stumbled upon ArtBike, jumped at the chance to ride, and in doing so reset the spark in their relationship. And reset our faith that if you do things just for the love of it, even little things, it'll all work out. People are good. And a day on a bike with some art thrown in can change you. It may just have been our very best Modern Art moment ever.

Here's to you, happy, adorable, lovely ArtBike couple! Thank YOU for changing our lives.
